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    We were hosting Christmas again this year, so my Mum, Dad and Nana came to stay.

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    We woke up to stockings filled with treats and opened them before everyone else woke up.

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    It was then time to get stuck into the big presents under the tree and Tom had spoiled me rotten this year with a shiny new pink iPhone.

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    There were lots of lovely kitchen gadgets, Lego, Christmas jumpers and treats hiding under the tree but Bobbin seemed a lot more interested in the wrapping then her actual gifts.

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    I treated my Dad to a drone but the weather was too stormy to play with it, so he sat back and tried to figure out what a hipster was.

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    Another amazing gift waiting for me under the tree from Tom was a KitchenAid Mixer. I've wanted one for such a long time and with all the baking I've been doing recently, it's exactly what I needed.

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    New mixer at the ready, it was then time to cook the Christmas dinner. Dad peeled potatoes for my sweet potato stuffing balls, while Tom and Mum cooked Salmon En Croute.

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    For dessert, I'd baked a Christmas Wreath Cake which was a cross between chocolate cake and Christmas pudding topped with a chocolate nest, cranberries and glitter.

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    The rest of the evening was spent drinking prosecco, playing board games and watching a log fire on the TV.


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