  1. Checkin at Community Recycling Centre, Sighthill
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      We went back to the tip this morning and this time, I couldn't resist bringing my camera and taking some photos.

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      I loved the piles and piles of abandoned fridges. The crane in the back picked up a bike just after I took this shot.

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  2. Checkin at Harrison Park
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      We took a walk along the canal in the afternoon and a mini cyclist cycled into me. He looked so mortified that I'm sure he'll never do it again.

  3. Checkin at Salt Café
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      We decided to revive our LEGO Tuesday tradition and got the double decker sofa set from the LEGO movie.

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      We thought it would be fun to build our set at Salt Cafe with drinks and nibbles which seemed like a good idea until we realised hipster tables made from driftwood have a lot of brick sized holes in them.

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    GroCycle sent me one of their kits for growing gourmet mushrooms.

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    We've been watching in amazement as the mushrooms grew over the past two weeks. It's creepy how fast they grow. We're giving away kits on CO+K at the moment if you'd like to win one.

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    Inspired by our mushrooms, I decided to try and recreate the amazing Holy Shiitake pizza we had at Mellow Mushroom in Savannah. It's topped with aoili, mushrooms, mozzarella, pesto, caramelised onion, parmesan and chives and tastes amazing.

Community Recycling Centre, Sighthill × Delete
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Harrison Park × Delete
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Salt Café × Delete
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