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    This week we get to know my subscriber Cat from South Shields, England.

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    Cat Cliff lives in South Shields, North East England. She's a full time mum and small business owner who discovered me totally by accident six months ago online while searching for inspiration for her festival stall and subscribed due to the humorous tone and love of all things quirky. She's a bookworm, admires anyone who overcomes hard difficulties on their own merit and loves any movie with viking looking men in period clothing.

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    What did you want to be when you grew up?

    When I was young I used to watch back to back episodes of Time Team and was convinced I was going to be the next Tony Robinson. These days however I couldn't be happier than with what I do now, co-running a festival stall at mostly Pagan and fae related events, selling hand craft alternative items. Mainly customised dreadlocks and feather mohawks.

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    Where should we visit if we come to your town?

    South Shields is known for it's beach, fish and chip shops, Indian restraunts and nightlife. Personally though, I think a trip to Arbeia Roman Fort, a walk along the coast and an ice cream at Minchella's ice cream parlor.

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    "I spend hours trawling the net looking for ideas I can recreate in an ecologically moral way."

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    Where do you look for inspiration?

    I get inspired by a mixture of history and alternative and macabre, I'm a great fan of steampunk due to my love of Victorian fashion and I find inspiration in almost everything. I'm a great fan of craft websites and will spend hours trawling the net looking for ideas I can recreate in an ecologically moral way.

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    What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

    Being nice doesn't mean you have to be a pushover and being assertive doesn't mean you have to be a bitch - I love my Mum and I think that it is a very good bit of advice, worthy of remembering.

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    What would your three wishes be?

    1 - For my family and especially my little boy to have long happy healthy lives full of love and comfort.

    2 - As cheesy as it sounds, I truly wish people would start treating the Earth with the respect it deserves and stop being so destructive and greedy.

    3 - An end to all forms of child and animal abuse and at least actual real punishments for those who deserve it.

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    Check out Cat's Facebook page Medusa's Moon for custom dreadlocks, feather mohawks, Pagan items and ethical products.

    Want me to interview you? Click subscribe and I'll be in touch:


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