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    Here are some of the awesome links I've seen on the internet this week!

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    * Aeriel photos of beaches are making me feel so summery.
    * The Internet Map is fun to play with. Can you find cutoutandkeep.net?
    * This Bat signal made from string is incredible!
    * There's a campaign to get a gold medal winning Olympic horse a gold postbox too.
    * I love this floor plan of Carrie Bradshaw's apartment. I could totally live here:

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    * If your favourite book was a bikini, what would it look like?
    * I love this rainbow bridge and this coloured pencil tree.
    * This amazing chimera cat is it's own fraternal twin.
    * I like the idea of a Lady Gaga Disney movie.
    * I've had Adam Buxton's counting sound in my head all weekend:

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    * The Beercamp 2012 website is like a pop-up book and so cool.
    * I love the design for this typewriter waffle iron and for this teeth lined teacup.
    * Creating A Great Profile On Facebook by Coco Rocha is really funny.
    * These auditorium chairs are pretty nifty and I love this biscuit cushion.
    * How to make your vintage tees feel soft.

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    Which great links have you found?


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