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    This week I DIY the look of a real life princess, Kate Middleton!

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    One of the questions in last week's pub quiz was "Who was voted the most fashionable women by Vanity Fair?" and it turned out to be Kate Middleton. She manages to stay formal while looking fashionable and was the perfect choice for this week's DIY the look:

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    1. Dress up with OutsaPop's zipper rose fascinator.

    2. Add a touch of designer with Ren Ariel's DIY Miu Miu sequin bird dress.

    3. Make your own version of the Royal engagement ring with neondoll.

    4. Clasp an Alexander McQueen style knuckle duster clutch by Kirsten.

    5. DIY your own mini version of Vanessa's shamrock brooch.

    6. Sew a long militaristic jacket like Margarita.

    7. Accessorize with Chelsea's ribbon and chain bracelet.

    8. Complete the look with Matter Of Style's lion head shoes.

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    Are there any other Royals you'd love to DIY the look of?


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