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    This week I'm going to DIY the look of Hollywood actress Evan Rachel Wood. Heart-shaped glasses at the ready...

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    Evan Rachel Wood has the lolita rocker chick style down to a fine art and I'm going to do my best to give it a go:

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    1. Get the lolita look with Cute Boots pearly sunglasses.

    2. Make a pair of scoop gloves with carlyjcais.

    3. Make a pair of stud earrings from shrink plastic.

    4. Get a pretty doll house pin-up make-up look with Doe Deere.

    5. Embellish a safety pin tank with Erika Domesek.

    6. Create a tangle of chains necklace with Alex.

    7. Customize some one of a kind jeans with RiaCreations.

    8. Turn knee highs in to ankle boots with Maria M.

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    What do you think of Evan's look?


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