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    I've been doing a lot of music journalism and photography recently. It's an exciting new hobby and it's a great way of meeting exciting, creative people. I've been working with big bands such as Jarvis Cocker and Snow Patrol and smaller bands such as, my friend, Arkanna and Non-Zero.

    I've started a new project to help small and unsigned bands get promotion. It's called This Way Out PR and we've already got a host of great bands signed up. The idea is to work with venues and press, to provide bands with contacts and networking as well as offering press releases and photography.

    I've also been waiting on Gary Lightbody to call me for about a month now. Every day, I call New York to be inundated with news of his whereabouts and what he's been up to. Good luck on Saturday Night Live mr, but hurry up and phone me.


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