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    I’m so tired but I’m having a cupcake tasting party.. how distinguished. Here are some photos:

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    It's been a really strange week. Elise's kitchen door got stuck so she needed us to go up and fix it and while upstairs Tom went down to get his tools and ended up getting locked out so I had to kick the door open. And on top of that there have been countless strange phone calls and knocks on the door.

    I have so much work to do at the moment. I have to make a 3D model and then make a 30 second animation, make a 3D character for a game and film my documentary. I think I will go crazy by the end of this.

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    nspired by Claire Crespo's book Hey There, Cupcake! I decided to throw a cupcake tasting party. I cooked up a huge batch of cupcakes, from various recipes in the book.

    I made Bleeding Hearts, cupcakes filled with jam, so that when you bite them, jam oozes out like blood; Peanut Cupcakes, cupcakes that look and taste like peanuts; Burger Cupcakes, make from white and chocolate cupcakes placed on top of each other to look like burgers; and Mushroom Cupcakes, with small stem-like bases, red icing and chocolate mushroom dots.


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