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    goth dancing *is* strange. a weird mix between swaying your hair and air guitar.

    after a strange night of pole dancing with pamela a and her friend um ??? and strange films accompanied by queen adreena and tool at dundee’s local goth club i am sooooooo sleepy and smokey. ended up in one of dundee’s other gay pubs tonight called broklyns.. where you could well around in the smoke, or do karaoke or talk to a man who turns out to be a woman.. oh i dunno its so confusing. real pole dancers look so fake, their skin doesn’t look real and i don’t even wanna start on their hair.. eewwwyy. yes well, keroscene tomorrow.. who knows i may well bump into some people i haven’t seen in a long time. sorry for my drunken rambling. xoxo. i hate presentations.. scary!


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