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    I’ve been so busy recently. I’m back at uni now and as usual I’m hardly ever in, which in a way is terrible and in another it’s good, because I will have time to do worth while productive things such as watch TV. Did anyone see that Catwalk show on sky 1? It was fantastic.

    Anyway I’ve been terribly busy with my blog, out of choice of course, and I’ve been making podcasts. I now have two audio podcasts and one video podcast, which is a craft tutorial for making geisha flowers. You can find my podcasts on itunes at this address – http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=104615163 or if you go to my blog you can download them directly. I’m no. 7 in the top 100 audio blogs on iTunes. I think it’s calculated by the amount of subscriptions, so I’m not too sure how that all happened. Oh one other thing, my blog is now syndicated on livejournal under Cut Out + Keep, so if it appears on your friends list don’t get scared.

    It’s a good idea to check out your local Littlewoods. Most of them are closing down and I was lucky enough to get this mannequin for £5, a label gun and another basic dressform mannequin. My mum went to the one in Dunfermline and managed to pick up 3 more dressform mannequins. But they are selling all kinds of crazy things and it’s all really cheap. Anyway, I hope everyone is cool and is anyone going to see Regina Spektor next month? x

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    Okay so, very Blue Peter style of me, I’ve made my first crafting video podcast. You can get to it on iTunes if you look me up in the podcast section or you can find out all the other ways to view it by checking out my blog. In the podcast you will learn how to make a Geisha Flower in easy step by step instructions. Hope you enjoy it. x

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    On the subject of pinup girls, I’m going to be keeping organized with my pin-up girl date flipper that I made out of a calendar I had last year. I put the how-to on CO+K if you’d like to make one too.


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