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    just as tom says “thank god the junkies came back” we walked outside to find three of them there. i gave them a really evil look and said in a much-louder-than-i-thought-way “are they junkies?”.. so i shall be watching myself when entering and leaving my flat.. saw malcolm and nathan in the arcade where they were getting a depressingly little amount of sunshine.. they’ll start to suffer from a vitamin d sufficiency if they’re not careful. it’s weird the amount of street entertainment that has suddenly sprung up in dundee because on the way home there was a sword juggler/fire swallower.. sadly enough for him the crowd were 90% neds who kept muttering how shit he was and how gay he looked… he had the converse that i want !.. anyway we watched him in hope that he would set a ned or at least it’s hat on fire. gave him 50p and then felt guilty because we had nothing to offer the singing big issue man.. i think we’ll make him a website. xox


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