  1. Edit

    well that’s one more piece of coursework finished.. 2117 word on whether or not prostitution is a victimless crime.. probably the earliest i have ever had coursework complete.. a wonderful 5 days before deadline. i hate computers.. they are so limiting, i miss plain old paint and paper. i want to do work that i like and then i think i should do work that i know they will like and then i end up in the middle with something that just boring all because of other people’s opinions. so what if it’s not abstract enough, it would probably be more abstract if they just lay off you and allowed you to do your own thing. maybe i should have taken art at edinburgh.. but then am i limiting myself to just plain artist? i think i go through this every year at this point.. argh, i’ll just keep my head down and eventually it will pass. i’ll get good on photoshop over the summer and next semester i will do the art for me so that i am proud of it. fuck you inga… grrr.. sorry for the rant.


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