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    aarrrrrrrrggghhh.. they wouldn’t take back my costume. i want to cry. they stood there for 15 minutes fiddling with the latch to make it work and then claimed that there was nothing wrong with it. i’m going to try taking it back on wednesday and saying that it didn’t fit. :< boo hoo.. i’m still not well but at least a little better than i have been

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    fun fun fun.. i just had a creativity practical where we got to do lots of random fun stuff like create stories, characters and dialog. this is way better than having inga. oh and one of the dialogs that the class had to do was pretending to try and return something to a shop – how ironic

  3. Checkin at University of Abertay
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      Today we had a lecture from one of the guys who made @[11075126698:Grand Theft Auto], though most people in Dundee claim to have had a hand in making it. Jenny asked if he enjoyed killing prostitutes with machetes and he said no but that he enjoyed doing something else to them.

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    Malcolm and Rob then cooked me dinner back at Hillside Halls.

  5. Checkin at Abertay students union
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      We then all headed out to the Union where Kev and I played a game of pool without the white ball.

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    We didn't get too much sleep as kids from the estate kept aiming fireworks at our windows, one of which actually hit mine.

  7. Checkin at University of Abertay
  8. Checkin at Abertay students union
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