  1. Checkin at Royal Dragon
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      Raz has started a Monday Night Film Club, so we met up with him for dinner in China Town this evening. We had yummy fried noodles and bubble tea.

  2. Checkin at Prince Charles Cinema
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      We then headed to the Prince Charles, an independent cinema in Leicester Square that shows movies for £1.50. We became members and went to see @[108467085845230:The Orphanage], which was a very scary Spanish film, produced by Guillermo Del Toro, who looks a lot like Calum. I got in trouble from Tom for jumping too much, which I really shouldn’t have, as he had almost broken my hand in Camden the day before when a car drove over a noisy drain cover and gave him a fright.

  3. Checkin at Prince Charles Cinema
  4. Checkin at Royal Dragon
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