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    my paint smells like absinthe.. i wish it was maybe then i would work better and faster. i’m freaking out as i am completely dependant on how everything will work together when i put it into photo shop tomorrow. my final piece is kind of worrying me, i just cant think of anything good to do, at the moment it consists of photographs covered in buttons and then i’ll paint a cage to put over the top. ack, i dunno, hopefully it will go okay. i’m heading back to dundee later in the evening, i have far too much stuff to take back (including jenny’s wings which i will probably have to wear). anyway back to painting, my head hurts :<.

  2. Checkin at The Balcony Bar
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      Tonight we all went to the Balcony Bar for a few Halloween drinks. Iain was getting a round in, when the barman asked him for my ID, even though Iain was the one who is underage. I showed it to him as we were leaving and he acted like he hadn't asked for it at all and said he liked my picture. They also played @[138504519543359:Tool] which made me happy.

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    We headed back to Hilliside Halls and were on the hunt for @[500941493:Jennifer Ann Smith], when we ended up at someone's Halloween party. Ben kept mixing up cocktails of various colours for everyone.

  4. Checkin at The Balcony Bar
The Balcony Bar × Delete
The Balcony Bar × Delete
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