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    back home now. derren brown was so good and so enigmatically attractive. once again we weren’t chosen to do any tricks but i did get to cuddel his kitten. i’m so sad. when we got back there was a huge heap of mail.. my rasputina albums had arrived and some things for tom. today tom’s mad cctv type webcam arrived. its waterproof so we can stick it outside and it has night-vision so you can laugh at all the neds walking past at night.. and keep a very good eye on the junkies to make sure they don’t break in.

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    Full Name: catherine morley
    Birthday: 19th of august 1985
    Age: 18
    Born: kirkcaldy, fife
    What are you afraid of?: neds and junkies
    Do you wear contacts or glasses?: none
    Do you like yourself?: sometimes
    Embarrasing moment?: hmmm..
    Your good friends: louise, louise, claire, pam, malcolm, calum.
    Person in your family? mummy
    Ice cream?: mint & chocolate chip
    Vegetable?: carrot
    Fast food?: chinese
    Candy?: lindor mmmm
    Movie?: leon
    Talk show?: ricki
    Actress?: audrey hepburn/winona ryder
    Bands?: manic street preachers, rasputina, bright eyes, placebo
    Singer?: pj harvey, alanis morrisette
    Place to visit?: edinburgh
    Sports?: ice skating
    Number?: 19
    Animal?: kitty
    Flower?: rose, lilly
    Brand of shoes?: converse and dms
    Perfume/Cologne?: anything vanilla
    Career?: umm, tour guide. comic book artist. dress maker.
    Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: yes.
    Drank alcohol?: of course.
    Smoked?: yeah.. but i was stupid.
    Broken the law?: in a few ways.
    Ran away from home?: no. but i did think of it at the age of 14 – how “go ask alice” of me.
    Broken a bone?: my arm.
    Played strip poker?: yes.. but it was strip, spin the bottle at a random object.
    Played truth or dare?: yes.
    Flashed someone?: yes.
    Mooned someone?: nope.
    Kissed someone you didnt know? yes.
    Been in a physical fight?: in a play way.
    Rode in a police car?: no.
    Come close to dying?: a few times.
    Cheated on your significant other?: yes. significant – no.
    Been in a sauna?: yes.
    Been in a hot tub?: yes.
    Swam in the ocean?: yes.
    Abortion?: it’s fine when needed.
    Classical?: can be lovely. but not with silly men with deap voices singing over the top.
    Soap operas?: I am ashamed to say I have watched some
    Amusement parks?: cute.
    What’s your good luck charm?: an elephant ring or my very beautiful gem bracelet (thankies tom x).
    Your secret crush?: derren brown.. even though he is old and balding. and the welsh postman.
    Your most prized possesion?: baybee and annabelle.
    *ARE YOU A…*
    Good student?: when i try.
    Good actor/actress?: not really.
    Good dancer?: not sure.
    Good storyteller?: use to do tour guiding so i’d guess so.
    Stitches?: no
    Bloody nose?: yes
    Cancer?: no
    Surgery?: no
    Someone besides your family say they love you?: a few.
    Someone punch you?: yes.
    *DO YOU…*
    Wet the bed?: no, giggle.
    Collect anything?: umm.. living dead dolls.
    Like to sing?: yes.
    Like to shop?: uh, kind of but not when it’s busy.
    Like to party?: yes.
    Get in trouble a lot?: no.
    *WOULD YOU…*
    Eat a live hamster for a million dollars?: if it was already dead (of natural causes) skinned and cooked.
    Go to a hanson concert if you had a free ticket?: only if i could throw things.
    Kill someone you didnt know for 15 million dollars?: i think so.
    Anyone offered you a small part in a movie would you accept?: yes.
    How long was your longest relationship?: two years.
    What are your nicknames?: cat. kitty.dolly. and other rude cat-related ones.
    Anything to confess?: i really like the postman though tom will hit me.


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