
List 9: Items you’ve loaned

Thanks to Cut Out + Keep, I have a huge collection of craft and cooking books which my family and friends love to browse and often borrow so they can try a project or recipe at home. I’m not a library but I have a few thousands books so it’s become handy to keep track of them as if I were one. If you’re the same and people often borrow things from you too, it can be a great idea to keep a list of these items so you don’t accidentally go searching for them, having forgotten where they were.

This list doesn’t need to be super fancy - just store it in a note-taking app, noting the item, whose got it and how long ago they borrowed it. gives you the facts and leverage when it comes to asking for something back. “Hey, you know that awesome cat jelly mould I loaned you? It’s been 9 months and I’m really craving a cat shaped trifle right now”. Likewise, you can keep a list of the items you've borrowed so you don’t end up being “that friend”.