
List 4: Adventures to have in your hometown

Staycations can be just as much fun as far flung adventures and a lot more affordable, so just as you have a list for the places you’d like to visit around the world, it’s a nice idea to keep one for the city you live in too. I’ve been coming through to Edinburgh for my whole life and when I moved here, I didn’t expect there would be much I hadn’t already seen but I was totally wrong. Type your town name into Pinterest, ask your friends where some of their favourite places to hang out are, follow bloggers in your city and flip through local magazines for inspiration. Writing down your ideas as actions such as Have a picnic on Blackford Hill at sunset and Walk out to Cramond Island and collect shells to make necklaces can be a lot more inspiring and motivating than simply noting down the location. Next time you’re feeling bored and think there’s nothing to do, check your list and pick something that sounds fun!