
One thing you’re going to learn about me as you listen to FiloCat is that I love lists. I’m obsessed with them and write new ones all the time. I have lists for everything from fun things, like cocktails to learn how-to mix and comic books to read, to more important ones like dreams to achieve and cities to live in one day.

When you think about lists, you might feel a little intimidated or put off writing one because of their association with the To-Do List, but don’t worry, the lists I’m taking about here don’t require getting anything done today or in the immediate future - they're fun lists for storing your ideas and keeping track of things that may, one day, come in very handy. So remember, there are two types of lists - Idea Lists which are lovely little lists that I recommend writing lots and lots of and filling up with hundreds of check boxes and the To-Do List which is where all the scary must do now stuff will go. We’ll chat about the to-do list much more in future episodes but for now, let’s keep it light and easy and stick to Idea lists because I want you to learn how to love them as much as I do and in this short round-up episode, I’m going yo give you my top 10 suggestion for ten awesome lists you can start keeping today and ideas on how best to store them.