
Step 1. Write a habit list

Before we do anything else, let’s write a list for all the habits you'd like to start and the bad ones you want to break and then every time you get an annoying feeling or thought like "I really need to drink more water" or "I'd like to learn French one day" or "I just wish I could stop leaving my clothes on the floor" - add it to your Habit List. You don't have to do a single other thing about any of these thoughts right now - in fact, it’s best, you don't - just add them to your list. I bet you'll feel instantly better and maybe even a little bit motivated to take one of them on!

If you're struggling for inspiration, you can always ask your friends what they're good and bad habits are and which news ones they’d like to have. If you’re feeling brave, ask what habits they think you should make or break but be careful it doesn’t lead to a huge fight.