

Because it's important to be able to write down ideas anywhere at anytime, for this week's homework I want you to pop down to your local stationery store and treat yourself to a slim notepad, such as a Moleskin or a Field Note, and a nice pen in your favourite colour. You could even make your own notebook following instructions at Cut Out + Keep. Keep these in your bag so you can write down thoughts while out-and-about and then store them in your bedside drawer at night so you can clear your head before bed. 

For the second part of your homework, I'd like you to clear out your head every night at bedtime for the next 30 days and if you're able to do that, it should become a habit keeping your mind stress and care free ongoing. You can use the habit sheet included in your handbook or mark it in your regular calendar and to get you motivated, pick a nice reward you'd like to give yourself once you've achieved your  goal - whether it's a nice meal somewhere fancy, a box of your favourite chocolates or something you've wanted for ages on your wishlist. Even though writing down my thoughts is something I've done for a while, I'm going to make sure to do it for 30 days straight too and then reward myself with a handy little Filofax hole punch which will make punching these inserts in to my planner a lot faster.