
Step 5. Highlight important thoughts

If you noticed a particular thought popping up several times while you were clearing your head, star or highlight it as it's clearly quite important. Highlight any thoughts that have a really strong emotion attached to it too, such as things you're really stressed or excited about, and highlight anything which is really time sensitive too.

I'm highlighting Japan because it's something I'm stressed about that came to mind several times, Mother's Day and the ring pillow I need to sew because they're time sensitive and Crafterella 3 because I'm excited about it! These thoughts will become our top priorities as we move on, so keep your list safe and in the next episode of FiloCat, I'll show you how to process your thoughts and turn them in the projects you can work on. By now your head should be feeling nice and clear and even though you've not tackled anything yet, you should be feeling a lot more relaxed about the things you have to do. It's amazing the difference that simply writing things down can make. I'm often surprised at how few things I have to do in real life compared to how much I thought I had to do. As new thoughts come to mind, add them to your list and repeat this process of clearing your head anytime you feel stressed or can't sleep. It's also great to make this part of your routine and something you do each night before you go to bed or whenever you get some downtime during your day.