It's best to apply for your pass well in advance, when registration first opens for your best chance of being approved. If you still haven't heard back as the week approaches, feel free to chase up the press office to check on your application. They're really busy and it's no surprise that an application might get lost in the sea of requests. You're blog will need to have the right credentials to be approved for a pass, so if you might need to get a little more creative if you're not a big enough publication yet. Get in touch with magazines, local papers and zines and offer to provide their coverage, as they often get extra passes and will appreciate a free reporter. If it's okay with the editor, you can then share the coverage on your blog and you'll have something to show the Fashion Week Press Team on next season's application. If you're not lucky enough to get a pass this season, you can still be part of the event by watching shows online and providing reports and feedback on your blog. Once you've built up a reputation as a fabulous fashion reporter, they'll come begging you to attend next season.