
You've probably got way more inboxes than you realise, so it's important to make a comprehensive list of them so that we can get organised. Grab a piece of paper and list all the ones that come to mind.

Here are some common ones you may forget about:
- Mailbox
- Intray (the kind that lives on your desk)
- Email
- Phone (voicemail, SMS)
- Notebooks, diaries, sketchpads
- Social media (Facebook messages, Twitter at's, blog comments etc)
- Pockets / bags / suitcases
- Computer (desktop, downloads folder, text files etc)
- Gadgets (notes & apps)
- Scraps of paper with ideas & notes scribbled on

Once you've got a complete list written down, you can feel confident that you'll remember to check these inboxes ongoing and that nothing will slip through the cracks.