
To get you in the right mindset and give you a clearer idea of what I'm talking about, we're going to start small by emptying out the contents of your pockets (or bag if you don't have any) on to a table. Go through each item and ask yourself if there's anything you need to do with the item, does it belong in your bag and does it remind you of any other tasks you need to do? Tidy away the items that belong in your bag, deal with anything that requires attention and take note of any tasks you remember. 

You can repeat this process with your office drawers, under the bed or anywhere else that tends to get a little cluttery and unless you're an organising queen, I can guarantee that at least one item is likely to be out of place, require some action or remind you of another task.  Once you've dealt with that small to-do, you'll get an instant boost from feeling a little more organised and will want to take the same action with the rest of your life.