
Start by flipping through the magazine and rip out the page whenever you see an image or article that catches your eye. Pop articles in to your file folder or hold them together with bull clips to read later and slip images in to a plastic folder. You'll be amazed how fast you get when you get a rhythm going.Once you're reach the end of the magazine, pop it in the recycling. 

Grab your scissors and start working through the pile of pages you ripped out. Look for the thing that caught your eye at first and cut that image out, making sure to check the back incase there's something even more inspiring on the other side. Pop the individual clippings in to your plastic folder. Once all the clippings are in your folder, grab your scrapbook and a glue stick. Arrange the clippings in front of you on the floor and group together similar images. Perhaps you want to have a page of just red images or one dedicated to hats. Organize them however feels / looks right. Now lay the clippings on the scrapbook pages and when you find an arrangement that works, glue them in place!