
It's so easy to get caught up in day to day chores that you lose sight of the big picture and find you're not getting any closer to your dreams. A routine is the perfect way to change this, making your goals top priority and making you work to get a little bit closer to your dreams everyday. I'll talk about achieving your dreams more in a future article, but the best way to hit big goals is to do a little bit everyday. I have five goals, which were my resolutions that I set at the start of the year, written at the top of my routine. They're in a large font and take pride of place, so that I can see them at the start of everyday.

Another little OCD thing I like to do is colour code each of my goals. I can then use the same colour to highlight each of the tasks that co-ordinate with these goals. It works well because I can see from afar that I'm dedicating the right amount of time to each of my goals everyday.