
There used to be a Crunchy Nut Cornflakes advert, where a White House assistant would look at his watch and predict what the President was doing at a particular time, knowing that he stuck to his schedule like clockwork. "9.15, he's in the shower… 9.22 he gets dressed… 9.30 he has his cereal... ". I would act out this advert in my head as I got ready for school in the mornings, dreaming of a day when my life would be equally as efficient. I doubt that anyone had a schedule quite as accurate (except for maybe Anna Wintour) but since I started my routine, I feel more productive than ever. There are still days when motivation doesn't kick in but at least I can slug through what I know I'm supposed to be doing rather than fretting about the unknown. 

The most important thing about creating a routine is that it lets you focus on the bigger picture, guaranteeing that you're completing tasks which will lead you towards your dreams and goals. Even better, it lets you know when you're done for the day, which isn't always clear when you're freelancing or your own boss, so you can pack up with confidence and go have fun. With those things in mind, it's time to get started creating your very own routine...