
**a) Trash** -  Quickly scan through your emails and delete any spam, unwanted messages, notifications and newsletters you don't want. This is strangely satisfying and you'll be surprised how rapidly your message count drops.

**b) Answered mail** - Archive or file away any emails that you've already replied to. If you're waiting on a response to something, you can either flag the message or make a note of it in your to-do list.

**c) Quick replies** - Answer any emails you can respond to in less than a minute or two and then delete, archive or file away. Don't get stuck in to anything long-winded right now or you'll lose momentum.

**d) Must reply to** - Flag or note in your to-do list any emails that need answered but will take more than a few minutes to reply to. Or if the email requires some kind of action before you can reply to it. You can then file these away in a folder until you have more time to take care of them.

Unread emails are the only ones you should have in your inbox from now on.