
I am terribly rushed off my feet at the moment. Other than a few projects here and there, I hardly have any time for crafting. My coursework deadline is in less than two weeks and I have so much left to do. I can't have a social life or creativity time until it's done. Poor me.

My "Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker" book arrived and so did "Burlesque and the Art of The Teese" by Dita Von Teese. I have had a quick flip through and I can't wait to start reading them and learning how to crochet.

It's been snowing here which has been lovely. I managed to steal a few minutes away from work the other night and Tom and I had a snow ball fight on the way to the garage for sweets at 1 am. I hope everyone is good and hopefully I'll be able to update soon with something fun. xx