
The slots for the second issue of Snippets have been filled, so we're now taking submissions and pitches for Issue 3.

If you have an idea for an article or would like to write a review for us, then please get in contact now to ensure you make it in. We're putting together a list of writers at the moment, so if you want to be added, please e-mail contribute () cutoutandkeep.net with your name and contact info (e-mail address and where's your based is important).

To give you an idea of what we're looking for - music reviews, interviews, gig reviews, record reviews, fashion articles, fashion spreads, beauty tips, website reviews, film reviews, film articles, book reviews, art essays and articles, art spreads, photography spreads, photos of cool rooms and houses, articles about your hobbies and obsessions, city guides or anything that you think could be interested. Get in touch xx