
the new manics single was released today and i recommend you all to go out and buy it. but anyway i’ve heard lots of news which may or may not be true but either way it has got me bloody excited.

on an interview for danish radio james mentioned that they are likely to do a tour for the re-release of the holy bible where they will play the holy bible in it’s entirety (as in they will play YES *dies*). they will also be doing a european and japanese tour where they will have “an extra guitarist” hmmmm *hopes lots and lots*. nicky is writing a book called “the unwritten diaries”. finally, the japanese HMV has a listing for the new holy bible. disc one – original holy bible plus 4 bonus tracks (the intense humming of evil, 4st 7lb, yes, and of walking abortion). disc two – canadian holy bible plus demos (die in the summertime, mausoleum, of walking abortion, she is suffering, and yes). disc three – a dvd containing live performances, promos (including a video for yes) and a documentary.

*cries* this is all too much. stay beautiful everyone xox.