
our letting agency are so bad.. not only have they not bothered to fix the ten so things that were wrong with the flat when we moved in four months ago but now there is a very scary problem resulting from it.. last night our upstairs neighbors knocked on the door to warn us that there has been a group of about eight junkies standing in our stair-well, just outside our doors doing heroin.. they have been spewing over the stairs.. making a mess and it’s probably not too long before they start breaking into the houses.. it’s really hard to emphasize just how scary this is.. to get to our flat you unlock the door on the street (or if you’re a junkie just push thge fucking service button which doesn’t have a timer and will let you in any time of day hassle free) then you must walk along quite a long corridor and then turn left.. walk along into the bin reassess.. turn left again and then go up the stairs where they have been. it’s not even like we live in a shitty area with junkies there anyway.. our neighbors are really nice.. reasonably well-off.. and some of them are french students. sorry to go on but i am so upset/pissed off.. i think i posted something similar the first time i saw them but it’s a joke that j. and e. haven’t bothered to do anything.. oh. my dad just phoned.. someone will be around today.. thank god.