
Today alister came over. we wandered around town with him. nathan phoned and then we wandered some more with nathan. bumped into rob who had a box and a friend-dressed-in-leather. went to the flat. phoned louise. louise came over. we all went to the big tescos to buy our dinner. me and louise have a new secret. tom cooked dinner. we ate stir dry. i gave tom a fright by shouting “rar, i’m a junkie” and he fell over. watched pulp fiction. got drunk. randomly fell around the house. louise-alistair-nathan went out for chips and louise got food poisoning. we played cards. lay around on my bed listening to placebo and pj harvey. then we all went to sleep in my bedroom.. though there was a lot of shuffling around and alistair went and slept on the sofa in the huff. we chatted for ages. fell asleep. woke up ten minutes ago. and now here i am alone with tom.. louise is coming over later.